
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Getaway - Official Trailer [HD]

Once again Selena looking at her best. Cant wait to see this movie.

Trailor 1:

Trailor 2:

Once again Selena looking at her best. Can't wait to see this movie.

In theaters August 30th.

Getaway is the gritty, heart-pounding action thriller from Warner Bros. Pictures and Dark Castle Entertainment in which former race car driver Brent Magna (Ethan Hawke) is pitted against the clock. Desperately trying to save the life of his kidnapped wife, Brent commandeers a custom Shelby Cobra Mustang, taking it and its unwitting owner (Selena Gomez) on a high-speed race against time, at the command of the mysterious villain holding his wife hostage

Checkout pics of Getaway:

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Best UFO Sightings Of 2012, AFO

Youtube's channelAnonymousFO says about this video:
"In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this video is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

Iv put a lot of effort into researching each case in this video, however nobody's perfect, and there are bound to be a few videos in here that have been debunked or proven fake. But I ask you, to always keep your mind open. Just because someone has told you the video is fake, or there's a video out there explaining in minute detail why it is, don't let that change your mind about it. Until there is good solid evidence out there that explains why and how the video is a fake stand by your own opinion. Don't let somebody else's opinion overshadow your own."

My opinions:-

Dinosaur and Human Co-existence: FOOTPRINTS found

This news has raised so many mysterious unanswered questions.

Dinosaur and human tracks have been found together in the river bedrock of the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas!
Dinosaur tracks abound in the Palauxy River Valley where dinosaur and human tracks have been found together in the same rock strata!

Some of the human footprints are embedded right inside huge dinosaur tracks.  They were obviously here at the same time before the mud dried and became fossilized. 

The age of these footprints have been found out using CARBON 14 DATING methods. This revels some unbelievable truth with