
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dinosaur and Human Co-existence: FOOTPRINTS found

This news has raised so many mysterious unanswered questions.

Dinosaur and human tracks have been found together in the river bedrock of the Paluxy River near Glen Rose, Texas!
Dinosaur tracks abound in the Palauxy River Valley where dinosaur and human tracks have been found together in the same rock strata!

Some of the human footprints are embedded right inside huge dinosaur tracks.  They were obviously here at the same time before the mud dried and became fossilized. 

The age of these footprints have been found out using CARBON 14 DATING methods. This revels some unbelievable truth with 

some unimaginable questions.

Nearby is the exciting Dinosaur Valley State Park where hundreds of dinosaur prints have been discovered.Dinosaur Valley State Park is near the site where dinosaur and human tracks have been discovered in the same rock strata.
The heavy equipment carefully uncovered more of the Cretaceous bedrock and even more human tracks were discovered with dinosaur tracks!  Humans and dinosaurs apparently roamed the earth together!

The Dinosaur Display features fascinating information about dinosaurs and answers the questions: How long ago did dinosaurs roam the planet? and did dinosaurs and man ever walk together on planet earth?
Do these footprints are of humans or of some exotic beings?

My opinion:
I think we should not summarize our thoughts to the past only, rather, we should explore our thoughts to the future also. Those footprints could be of humans from future! Well, nobody knows. But, we all know that science has already proved that "time travelling is possible". It may take up to decades of time but one day we'll be able to travel across time dimension for sure.

1 comment:

  1. No legitimate science anywhere has proven time travel possible. Nowhere.


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